Why Should you Eat Hot Sauce?

Habanero Pepper: A History Lesson.

Habanero Pepper: A History Lesson.

The habanero pepper has a long and fascinating history, dating back thousands of years to the ancient Mayan civilization. The pepper is believed to have originated in the Yucatan Peninsula,...

Habanero Pepper: A History Lesson.

The habanero pepper has a long and fascinating history, dating back thousands of years to the ancient Mayan civilization. The pepper is believed to have originated in the Yucatan Peninsula,...

Why Eat Hot Sauce? - Hot sauce on avocado toast

Why Eat Hot Sauce?

There is a decades old question...why eat spicy food?  People have been eating spice for centuries, but did you know that there is actual science behind spicy food?  Your body...

Why Eat Hot Sauce?

There is a decades old question...why eat spicy food?  People have been eating spice for centuries, but did you know that there is actual science behind spicy food?  Your body...